Our dental implants team have exceptional attention to detail. We can really make your smile come to life.
Our dental implants team have exceptional attention to detail. We can really make your smile come to life.
There is no Specialist list for dental implants however our dental implant team can demonstrate an advanced level of skill and experience in all aspects of dental implantology, which we believe sets us apart. We have received implant referrals from discerning dentists and patients across Hampshire (and beyond) for over 20 years.
The VIDA implant team understands that an implant is a significant investment and that you want to get it right, first time. We also understand the difference between placing an implant, and placing it in the way in which will give you the most natural looking result.
Our particular skill lies not just in in placing high quality dental implants, but in creating dental implants that resemble natural teeth as closely as possible.
To achieve this, the gum and bone around the original tooth must be carefully and delicately preserved. We are particularly skilled in preserving, or even recreating, the natural architecture around implants.
For this reason, wherever possible we prefer to meet you before the tooth is removed so we can control the landscape around the proposed implant site at every stage of your treatment. If the tooth has already been lost some time ago, then VIDA may still be able to recreate some of the original architecture. Please get in touch with the team or contact us for an appointment with the implant team. We are passionate about creating beautiful implant solutions and would be delighted to share our knowledge and experience of dental implants with you.
VIDA Implant Surgeon
AJ is our implant surgeon and limits his practice to exclusively placing and restoring dental implants. He graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand in 2010, completed his Dental Implantology training at the University of Pretoria in 2014 and is currently enrolled in the European Masters Degree in Dental Implantology at the University of Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.
AJ lectures and is a mentor to a number of implant surgeons that are furthering their careers by advancing their surgical skills and require assistance with clinically complex cases.
Always going the extra mile and treating patients like family, has resulted in AJ priding himself in his colleagues referring their own family and friends for treatment.
When AJ is not working, he enjoys exploring the beautiful countryside with his lovely wife and two young children.
VIDA Oral Surgeon
Associate Specialist in Oral Surgery at East Grinstead Hospital
Helen is our resident Oral Surgeon and undertakes the most complex surgical procedures at VIDA as well as more routine extractions. Additionally, Helen gained a Masters in Implant Dentistry from the University of London in 2007 and is well placed to understand the importance of preserving delicate bone and tissues around your teeth during a dental extraction. This particular skill is in great demand at VIDA where many of our extraction patients are hoping to proceed with implants at a later time, and will require adequate and healthy tissues around the socket to do so. Helen has a young family of two boys with her husband Jon, who works as an A&E Consultant at Worthing Hospital. In her spare time Helen enjoys tennis and training her new puppy, Bodicea.
Current practice
Helen is Associate Specialist in Oral Surgery at East Grinstead Hospital where runs Consultant clinics, treating adults and children removing teeth and performing sedation and complex surgery of the mouth and teeth.
Recently accredited as Clinical Teacher at the Royal College of Physicians, Helen is also Educational Supervisor for Dental Nurse Sedation and is responsible for teaching and mentoring at various sedation centres throughout the South.
Children extractions
Adult extractions
Wisdom tooth extractions
All surgical extractions
Grafting and Guided bone regeneration
Surgical dermatology
Research and publications
Helen’s Masters thesis was titled ‘Patient Experience of Dental Implants’ 2007
Educational Supervisor for Dental Nurse Sedation.
Accredited Clinical Teacher at the Royal College of Physicians
Accredited by the Society for Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry Sedation (SAAD)
Following her completion of Bachelor degree of science in dentistry in 2002, Duaa embarked on enhancing her skills in most aspects of dentistry to form a rounded-up knowledge and clinical experience. She undertook three years of training in Primary Dental Services, Community Dental Services and different secondary care sittings including Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine Duaa worked under Restorative Dentistry speciality since 2009.
Upon completion of 5 years’ full-time training programme as a Specialty Registrar (StR) in Restorative dentistry from Eastman Dental Hospital in London, she was awarded Fellowship in the Specialty of Restorative Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh (FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd). During her training at Eastman, she gained specialist level training in Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Periodontics to a high standard.
Academically, Duaa was awarded Membership in the Faculty of Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (MFD RCSI) in 2004. She pursued two-year masters degree in Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics from Edinburgh University in 2015, MClinDent (prosthodontics), for which was awarded a distinction degree. She successfully obtained Membership in Prosthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh (MPros RCSEd) in 2016 and Fellowship in the Specialty of Restorative Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh (FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEd) in 2022.
Duaa is currently working as a consultant in Restorative Dentistry at St Richard’s Hospital, where she leads restorative dentistry services and provides multidisciplinary care for patients, who have complex dental needs such as hypodontia, cleft lip and palate and head and neck cancer. She provides challenging oral rehabilitation to high priority groups to optimal standards. She currently teaches and trains dental core trainees (DCTs) and has a wide experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students and dentists. She published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and has presented her research projects in national and international conferences.
Duaa has a conservative, modern and comprehensive approach, where she strides to provide high standards of care with utmost diligent care and empathy, which sets her at a distinguished level.
Her main interests are implant, cosmetic dentistry and periodontics as she enjoys transforming her patients’ smiles to confident ones.
When she is not working, Duaa enjoys reading, swimming and cycling besides spending quality time with her family.